Kapat Ikon
Work Health and Safety Week

“Work health and safety week” is celebrated with various activities between May 4 and 10 every year in the country since 1987 for creating awareness in the work health and safety area and in the direction of popularizing the awareness across the society on this subject.

Considering that workers’ health and safety is one of the factors required to be considered primarily by the virtue of the work health and safety week, ensuring that the messages given in this meaningful day is spread in all parts of the society should be the duty of every one of us.

It is required that both the labor and work day losses are avoided by establishing permanent solutions all together in order to prevent accidents and sicknesses from occurring for preventing the work accidents and with converting this culture to the application.

We, as Aktaş Holding, care every activity made in this subject while we continue with the highest level of responsibility consciousness from now on, like until today for protecting the health and safety of you, our precious employees.

Happy work health and safety week.

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