Kapat Ikon
May 31, world no tobacco day

May 31 is celebrated as the “World no tobacco day” every year with various activities in order to increase consciousness on the harms of smoking and create awareness in this subject.

The individuals using cigarettes are encouraged to quit smoking for 24 hours in the May 31, world no tobacco day, determined by the World Health Organization.

Cigarette usage causing death of about 5,5 million people across the world every year in the today’s conditions is not only limited with the user; cigarette, since it affects the persons around the ones using cigarettes, is one of the main factors establishing a hinder for the growth of healthy societies.

Approximately 20 million people use cigarette in the country and we lose approximately 100 thousand citizen at an early age because of the diseases related with smoking.

It was revealed that the deaths related with smoking decreases with the smoking ban in the closed areas entered into force with the change in the laws.

About quitting smoking the determination of the persons using cigarettes, as well as the physician application, is an important factor. We have to engrain the consciousness that it is the duty of all of us on struggling against smoking, one of the most important enemies of the human health, to the entire society.


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