Kapat Ikon
Job Applications may be made to Aktas Holding on its Corporate Website Ever After

Aktas Holding, which has respectively put the innovative practices into operation since from the day of its foundation, has implemented a new practice which shall provide facility to persons who desire to make job application for eligible positions opened within its organization.


Aktas Holding, which acts according to the present requirements in all aspects in the globalizing world, has completed the Job Application Form integration on the company’s corporate website and put the system into operation to provide facility to persons who desire to make job application on internet which is one of the indispensable factors of our life.


While it was disclosed that people, who desire to work in Aktas Holding from each region of the world, may have easy access to the new system through which Aktas Holding, which has put a further solution-focused activity into application, shall accept job applications from its corporate website at www.aktasholding.com and may make their application in line with the instructions, candidates, who complete the required information, shall be included in Aktas Holding Human Resources application pool later on.


The candidate selection and approval process, according to job applications received, are conducted in accordance with the relevant criteria previously defined by the company within the organization of Aktas Holding.

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