Kapat Ikon
Ak-İzo Has Celebrated High Sales Indicators

Ak-İzo recognized as the first and leading producer of EPDM membranes and operating under the Aktas Holding Yapi Group continues to harvest fruits of successful efforts committed in the industry scope.

From the day of establishment, Ak-İzo reached its highest sales indicators in July.

Managers and employees gathered at Ak-İzo Plant on August 4, Friday, to celebrate this success.

Praise of the successful performance from Sami Erol

Aktaş Holding Board member and CEO Sami Erol on behalf of Ak-İzo company expressed happiness with this reward for the efforts and heartily congratulated all fellows for their contribution to this outstanding achievement.

Erol pointed out that the company's fundamental goal is to advance Ak-İzo further and mentioned the focus on sustainable success through the innovative approach.

From the other side, in the view of high performance and sales chart in the first half-year period of 2017, Ak-İzo already reached 2017 year-end goal by now.

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